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  • TECHquila

    TECHquila Episode 5 | Twitter Was Hacked Really Bad

    Twitter got-got BIG time, major verified accounts were hacked (unrelated to Mihailo's terrible hot takes on Twitter recently). This led to Twitter taking some drastic measures and exposing serious flaws in the platform's security. This ended up hindering the ability of major alert systems to do their job, among other issues. Aaaaand it is officially Fight Night! Google enters the ring to take on Microsoft with Gmail's new chat integration features! Don't miss these two giants duke it out.... Let's get ready to ruuummmmbleeee!!!!!! How will this Tech Giant fair against Microsoft Teams and its single pane of glass capabilities? With another major hack occurring, this has many people asking, "Should I be using a password manager?" Find out on the fifth episode of TECHquila - Your Shot of Tech News!

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  • History of Tech

    The History of Tech | Evolution of Microsoft

    Welcome back to the latest episode of the History of Tech by VectorUSA! This week, we explore the complex and interesting tech giant we all know and love (or hate), Microsoft. Have you ever wondered why Mr. Billy Gates dropped out of Harvard? Have you been curious about whether the Windows OS was STOLEN? Do you remember the dark days before November 2001, and wondered why it took SO long for Halo to come out? Lets just say, we can promise this episode won't give you the "Vista Experience".

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  • TECHquila

    TECHquila Episode 4 | AWS Beyond the Cloud

    Join us for the fourth episode of TECHQuila where we ask the hard hitting questions, is Jeff Bezos a super villain? Is AWS going beyond the cloud? We get a better look at Apple Silicon moving to... ARMbooks? And lastly, we look into the news that Huawei and ZTE were identified as a national security threats, again. Does this signal the tech rivalry between the US and China is heating up even more?

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  • Tech Talks

    Spectacular Vernacular | Awkward Team Meeting

    A flying yogi and a fully armed and operational conference room -- how could one awkward team meeting get any worse? Throw in an AV Architect with a grudge against the light side. Jump into another adventure in technology with Scott Bly as he explores the power of the dark side (of audio video). Have you dealt with an awkward team meeting before? Share your experiences below!

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  • TECHquila

    TECHquila Episode 3 | Apple Abandons Intel

    Welcome to TECHquila | Episode 3, the show where the Tequila is half the production budget! In today's episode, we look into Intel security vulnerabilities stemming from Speculative Execution attacks similar to Spectre and Meltdown in 2017. Apple abandons Intel for the Mac and what it means for the market, and how a network attack on Honda has lead to halting of production in many locations.

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  • History of Tech

    The History of Tech | Evolution of Mobile Phones

    Ever wonder how the mobile phone evolved from a personal brick to a juicy blackberry? Will 6G Networks allow for 3D hologram communication and will 7G allow for texting yourself back in time? Find out by watching VectorUSA's History of Tech with our own Director of Solutions Engineering, William Higgins!

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  • Tech Talks

    Spectacular Vernacular | Are You Ready for Exponential Change?

    Get ready for the second episode of Spectacular Vernacular: Workflow Modernization and how you can integrate technology across all work streams. Laugh and learn with Scott Bly, CISSP, CISM, VectorUSA's Solutions Architect and Christen Sims, Administrator Assistant.

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  • GeekTown

    GEEKTOWN Episode 1 | Managed Services

    In a town full of GEEKS, join our five heroes as they embark on a quest of epic proportions. Spanning one office and four cubicles, their journey takes them on a quest to fight pastry chef Twitter enemies, malware, and a dragon to answer the question: What is Managed Services? Find out how our band of "brave" Solutions Engineers assist in this Conflict Resolution! Will our misfits succeed, or will their adventure test the very limits of their fellowship? How would you answer the question: What is Managed Services? Have you seen Blade Runner 2049? Let us know in the comments section below! Brought to you by the fans of the people who brought you "The Office" and "The IT Crowd".

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  • TECHquila

    TECHquila Episode 2 | What is 5G?

    Welcome to TECHquila | Episode 2, the show where we don't memorize our Limes. Whoms't is Microsoft? What is 5G? How do I spot scams? Join VectorUSA's Solutions Engineering Team as we delve into 5G conspiracies, Microsoft STAMINA, and Google's ScamSpotter.

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